What is DNS?

DNS description

DNS stands for Domain Name Service or Domain Name System.It maps domain names to ip addresses.Its not easy for humans to remember all ip addresses as computer addresses each server with ip addresses.So,for convenient and easy navigation,DNS are used to remember ip addresses in simple way.So, we use domain names,computer names and host names,etc to access or even share files between two servers and each servers have its significant unique ip address.If any server lacks ip address,connection can't be made.So,in short to gain access over other server, ip address is needed and its unlike to have every different ip address our brain so,DNS helps to redirect names to concerned ip address.
To know about how DNS works,click here

Be more clear about DNS by the following example

Say,you need to access a song from another server(internet) and you are searching for a English rock song,There are millions of servers from where we can get what we are searching for but you need particular ip address to access that file.Will it be possible for you to search your content with the ip address?I guess No.But what if you have Domain name,example:(englishrocksong.com) redirecting to the ip address from where we can access file.
This is what DNS do.It ofcourse prevents you from remembering all those horrible combinations of numbers and saves lots of time too.

There are two different types of names

1.Domain Names
As we have already discussed little about Domain name.Its a easy way to remember all ip address associated in different servers.Domains like .com,.net,.org are widely used today.If we need to access google,we download google page by typing www.google.com, Now it might have clear about domain(.com) and domain name(google) which helps in redirecting to the ip address of google ""

2.Host Names
Host Name are the name of computer or any other physical hardware like printer,web server,mail server,etc.Lets talk about my computer,My computer's name is "Amar-PC",that name is host name and my computer is too a kind of server with unique ip address.If any other server wants to have connection with my computer,it wants to know my ip address which will be redirected by my host name.

What are Hosts

Hosts are any workstation,printer,router,computer,etc as mentioned earlier.In the DNS world,we call those workstations a host and every hosts can be given name as i gave my computer "Amar-PC" as a host name.What do hosts have in common?All host name have a name and an ip address assigned to it.Every servers like mail servers,web servers and other physical servers/computer servers have their host name with different ip-adresses participating in a DNS network.

What is Ip address?

Ip address is a 12 digit number broken up into four parts.Ip address is the identification of any hosts which are unique to other servers.Lets talk about server taking an example of TP_Link router.Router here is a host,TP-Link is a host name and its ip address is "" or "".For more convenience,ip address can be redirected by its domain name tplinkwifi.net.It's the another way of identifying the host.Data sharing betwwen two hosts is done using TCP/IP.

What is TCP/IP


TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol.It establishes and maintains an error free connection between two hosts.And the other part is IP which is the packet part of protocol.While connection between two hosts is maintained by TCP,packet data are being shared by IP(Internet Protocol).Packets from one host is sent to another host addressing ip address and recieves maintaining error free connection.This is how packets are being shared and two hosts are communicated with TCP/IP.

This is the basic things to know about how connections are made between two servers in efficient way.For queries or assistance plz leave some comments and feedbacks are appreciated.Keep visiting for more about Networking and Internet related contents.

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