Online Sources to make money

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Making money online in today's world is not so surprising matter for the people who are closely related to online and internet stuffs.But for those,who are new to internet might be somehow complicated topic about this.They might have no idea about the possible gateways to enter to monetizing world of internet.It's true some ways or paths to earn online may be be scams or might sound unrealistic but believe me,there are many ways to make good living from online earning.

The word "online" is ofcourse related to term "Internet".Internet in today's day has already became a virtual world.Though people from various corner of the world are unseen but they are making lots of transactions via internet.Simply,making money benefiting each other over internet can be called "Online Earning".

How to make money online with Affiliate Marketing?

Before heading to the process take a glance to introduction about Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate Marketing is a shop,selling other people's stuff over internet.It's like virtual shop and you have all the products of merchant.If you help attracting customers to buy products,you will get commission for selling that product.It’s applied in our practical life as well.

Let’s say,I have a clothing store and I need customer to buy clothes,If you bring some customer to me,you are benefited by the commission.Affiliate marketing works in the same way.Only the difference is that it’s online Marketing.

Steps below will make you clear to make money with Affiliate Marketing.

Before applying for affiliate program,you must have some knowledge about blogging and making website.Click here to know about Blogging.
[Note: I am choosing for affiliate marketing]
  • After that choose the merchant you want to work with.I am choosing
  • Open and in the bottom of the page you will see “become an affiliate”.
  • Sign up to become an affiliate for free and make sure all of the information about you are correct.
  • After you have signed up you have to wait for 24 hours to get approved.
  • After getting approved,its time to promote their products. Varieties of products will be seen according to your website.For example if your website is about movies and celebrities, DVDS,Songs and MP3s,etc are listed to promote in your website.Likewise if your website is about gadgets, and computer technologies,you will get list of all products related to gadgets and so on.
  • Choose which product(s) you want to promote in your website.
  • Advertisement code (in html format) will be generated automatically.Copy that code.
  • Open your blogger/wordpress account.
  • In layout section you can add widget and paste the copied code within the widget.
  • After that advertisement of particular product will be started to displayed in your website.
  • Now whenever audiences enter to their website by clicking your advertisement and buys that product,you will get commission as your website will be referral for buyer to buy the product.

It sounds easy but it’s not though.Lots of dedications and strategies are applied to get traffic.Its reliable way to make money and earning can cross over 100$ per day if done in genuine way.

Click to know more about ==> making money online.

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