Introduction to Meta Tag

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Meta Data is any data about data and there are lots of different types of meta data they can be recorded or signed in either digital or analog format for many different purposes.It's an HTML or XHTML element which tells Search Engine what's your website or contents about and what information you're providing for the audiences.So, it's very important to understand actual work of meta tags and how to use it with various criterias.

Why meta data are so important?

Before preparing any blogs or websites,its very important to know about meta tags and how does it actually help you.Above explaination has described about meta tag and its power.Why it is so powerful and considerable for blogs?Just imagine,you have a parcel to be fetched in any location.Parcel is packed and ready to dispatch but if you dont have an address,that will create problem.In the same way,meta data helps people to know about what your post is about and audiences will first notice meta tags before crawling your contents.Check out,how to create meta tags and some strict guidelines to make your words effective.

Title Tag

The essential part of blogs are title tags which you will see if you look when you open any browser window,any website,you'll see along the top there will be a little sentence right at the top on the left-hand side.That's your meta title.You have to be very careful about what you are going to put in there because it's where search engines will look and quite people will look to decide what you are all about.Make one thing clear on your mind before setting up meta title tag or any other meta tags.Avoid duplication or copied meta tags.They will never displayed in search engines if words are duplicated.So,make your words relevant and genuine.Make full research about words of title tag as search engines will first look up your title tag and makes sure what is your article about.Title tag must be between 50-60 characters for better search results and it should be descriptive as well.

Header Tags

Header tags plays a vital role to make your post noticable.Elements of header tags are from H1 to H6 and it is a headline of your post.Remember,headlines should not be identical to the title tag.It can be very similar but not the same.Otherwise you are starting to get duplication stuff.You don't really want that.So,the most important part of your page will be H1.Then you can move down to H2 all the way to H6 but its not so necessaary as mostly blogs just have 3 to 4 Header tags.Do not have same words in different header tags.They will be treated differently and if you are clever enough to describe whole paragraph in couple of words that will sure help to make place in search results.

Image Properties

Image ALT attributes is another important aspect for your blogs and articles.For people who might not be able to use the screens properly,there will be displayed words instead of pictures.So,you need a short accurate description about the image you have used in your blog.Another great part about having image properties is search engines like google,bing,yahoo will notice the text and description about your image.So,if keywords are strong and description of image is accurate,Search engine will display your image according to necessity of the audiences.This will help to rank your website well.

Meta Description

Created blogs,used strong keywords,used meta title,header tags and picture attributes as well.Now its time to describe your entire post/article.Here meta description helps audiences to let them know about what it's all about.Visitor will first look at the title,and the second glance goes to description of the post.It is very important for viewers to let them know about what they are searching.For descriptive results,meta description must be built upto 160 characters and it should clearly describe about the contents .Meta description wil let audiences decide to crawl over the content or not,so keywords used in meta description must not be different from your content.

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