How does SEO work?

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After making website,preparing blogs and posting contents,many thinks work of developing website is over. Does that sound really cool?What about the audiences?How will audiences make visit to your website?Those are the main things to be considered.For that we have to take care of essential and strong strategy to increase visitors to any blogs or website which we call ,SEO(Search Engine Optimization).
It may be new to new bloggers but it has very essential role for the ranking of your website in searchlist of google.Whatever you post in your website will be visible to audiences via search engines like google,bing,yahoo,etc if SEO is maintained properly. Following tips will guide to increase SEO ranking of any website

1.Keyword Research

Keywords are one of the most important point to be noticed when we talk about pagerank.If strong keywords are used google or any search engine will find our content.Before applying any keywords we should think the words in clever way.For example:If we post something about Computer,which word describes mostly about computer,that should be used as keyword.

2.Basic Optimization in posts

Search engines use special software called crawlers, in order to read your website’s text and code. If it is not technically perfect, it may be difficult for a crawler to read and understand all of its content and it may have as a result that its pages will rank lower in the search engines results pages, or even worst, not at all. It is important though that the following points are checked.

  • URL structure:

Good SEO practices for URLs is to keep them under 100 characters long, to use dashes instead of underscores and to avoid special characters.

  • Title tags:

Every page should have a unique Title Tag, 65-75 characters long. It is also important that the basic keywords exist in the beginning of the title.

  • Meta description tags:

A Meta Description Tag should be unique for every page, up to 160 characters long and contain 1-2 sentences that describe the page.

  • Heading tags:

Headings are part of the HTML of a page and they are visible to the site visitors. There are six different headings, from H1 to H6. Every page should have only one, unique H1 heading tag.

  • Duplicate content:

Duplicate content issue occurs when the exact same content exists in your website under 2 or more different URLs. This can have a negative effect for ranking, as search engines dot not know which version to include in their index. 
It is though recommended to solve any duplicate content issues in your website, by removing the duplicate content or create redirections between the multiple versions.

  • Structured data:

With structured data, you can add special markup to your content, so that search engines can easily understand its type. This can potentially help to achieve higher rankings. It can also provide rich snippets for your pages in the search results pages. Rich Snippets provide a small sample of the page’s content in the results pages of search engines, making it more prominent.
In, you can find different schemas for different types of content, like articles, products, events, movies, persons of organizations and use them in your website.

  • Sitemaps:

Search engines use the XML sitemap protocol, so it is critical that your website contains an XML sitemap. After its creation, it has to be submitted in Google Webmaster Tools, so that all of the website’s content its crawled. It also has to be updated and re-submitted every time new content is added in the website.

  • Rich media:

Every image should have a related tag. This is an HTML tag that allows to briefly describing the content of the image, so that search images can understand it. It is also helpful to use related keywords for the filename, instead of random letters and numbers.
For videos, you can add the transcription text and add a video sitemap in your website.

3.Social Media Strategy

According to recent studies social signals are among the most important ranking factors. That means that social media are now a strong influencer for SEO and it should be part of an SEO campaign. The steps of a successful social media strategy are the following:

  • Setup your goals for social media:

These could be for example increasing the size of the community and gain more exposure for your content.

  • Understand your audience:

Before beginning being active in social media, you should research and understand the users that are interested in your market.

  • Select your social media channels:

There are so many different social media channels available, that it’s impossible for a business to be successful on all of them. For the beginning, select 3-4 channels where your target audience is active.

  • Connect with influencers: 

People with a lot of followers in social media can be valuable, because they can spread your message to more people. Locate them and try to connect with them.

  • Make a social media posting plan:

For every channel, decide how often you will post and what kind of content you’re going to use.

4.Link Building

Even if now Google tries to apply stricter rules to links, they still remain a very important ranking factor. Links increase the authority and credibility of a website. The total number of links is important, but it is equally important to acquire links from a diversity of popular and reliable domains. Just keep in mind that the main search engines have strict rules against unnatural or paid links, so the link building process consists mainly from actions that attract links from trustworthy sources in a natural way.

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